The North Face of Sentinel Peak is seen almost square-on from the car park at Witsieshoek, and must rank as the most accessible Alpine multi pitch wall in South Africa. Flanked on the left by, arguably, one of the proudest alpine (trad)rock routes in The Drakensberg - Here Be Dragons - and on the right by one of the most climbed alpine (trad) rock routes - Angus Leppan - the face propped has seen great development on the bolted multi-pitch front in recent years.
The face is best climbed in the shoulder seasons, or even winters days as it faces due North and, despite its altitude, gets hot in summer.
Importantly it is worth noting that while the face is very easy to access, the altitude and exposure at the apex of the Escarpment do make it a real mountain route.
To date the stacked overhangs left of centre have not been explored, and Here Be Dragons has only had 3 ascents, none without one of the first ascentionists.
Approach as for the Chain Ladders from Sentinel Car Park.
Find the most appropriate place to break off the path below your chosen route.
Descend the standard route, or abseil/rappel MCM

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