The East Face of Sentinel Peak is one of those faces which lul you into a space where you easily underestimate its seriousness. The East face sits alongside the easily accessible, relatively non-commiting North Face, and it is easy to ascribe the same sentiments. Do not.
Access to the East Face is from the Northern Flank via a diagonal rappel. If you pull your rappel lines, escape from The East Face is very complicated, making it an unexpectedly committing proposition.
Approach as for the Chain Ladders from Sentinel Car Park.
At the highest level of the path, as it traverses The North Face, break out left to the skyline/ridge (Here Be Dragons). Continue around the ridge-line and descend onto the East Face via grassy ledges while hugging the face, until a bolted abseil point is reached. Rappel 50m diagonally down-left to a grassy ledge.
It is recommended to leave a rope fixed in case of retreat from the face.
Descend the standard route, or abseil/rappel MCM
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